Van Arteo


Van Arteo was born and raised in Malaysia but planted their roots in Minnesota. Van is passionate in creating abstrac expressionism paintings, vintage functional art as well as woodworking and wood carving. Van paints with emotion, and their relationships and interactions are represented in the work. The colors and abstract images offer a chance for expression and purpose. The beauty of each abstract painting is up for interpretation to the person that views it based on their own experiences in life. The vintage forgotten objects that speak to Van represent the ability for transformation. The untouched dirt and grime is washed away as each object has a chance for new life and purpose. This alteration represents Van's journey into the art world and their own non-binary journey. Van hopes that the passion and intensity captured in their paintings and the process of giving the bygone object a new life will bring appreciation and joy to the collector. Van finds mystery and beauty in the capacity of not knowing what they are capable of until they try it.

Open Studio Hours:

Open Studio Saturdays, All NKB Events, By Appoinment