Michele Combs

(763) 442-0290

“As I paint my sense of place intensifies and time disappears. I love pursuing the beauty that surrounds us and the pleasure my efforts bring to others."

            - Michele Combs

Artist Statement: I'm a contemporary impressionist oil painter. I love color, thick paint, and the way light plays on objects including water, land, buildings, people, etc. In fact, being a painter has changed the way I view the world as I strive to capture the beauty around me onto my canvas.Picking up a paintbrush compels me to connect emotionally with a subject in a way that a quick click of a camera doesn’t. Where is the light coming from?  Where are the shadows and what is hiding in them? As I am drawn into the landscape (or whatever subject I’m painting) I fall deeper into the mood or excitement there ~ and it slips off the end of my brush and onto the canvas. In every painting, I leave a bit of myself there.

I am inspired by blooming gardens, the sun rising or setting over a majestic landscape, playful animals, and traveling to distant lands. Everyday scenes of colorful clothes hanging on a line on washing day, a farmers’ market, or a cascading waterfall make me eager to get out my paints and translate that mood or emotion onto my canvas. My visual language is the celebration of what I find beautiful in our world.One of the greatest joys I have experienced as an artist, is when my story intersects with another person’s. We find connection. My paintings can be found in private and Corporate collections.

Open Studio Hours:

All NKB Events and by appointment.